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ETD Submission Process


  1. Defend thesis or dissertation, make any necessary corrections, and obtain all required signatures (including Graduate Coordinator and College Dean) on Committee Approval form.
  2. Enroll in LIB 9010 course during graduating semester. (You can defend and enroll during the same semester so long as you met all required deadlines. Please see Graduate School Calendar for defense deadlines.)

To meet the initial submission deadline:

  1. Complete Modules 01-04. (Upload document as a Word file. LaTeX users will submit their document as a PDF.).
  2. [Doctoral Candidates ONLY] Complete Module 05.

To meet the final approval deadline:

  1. We will review your document and send you a list of corrections via Canvas.
  2. Make ALL format corrections. This includes all ADA/Web Accessibility requirements.
  3. Submit your corrected copy to us by uploading the corrected copy to Canvas.
  4. When all corrections have been made, you will receive full credit in Module 04. The ETD Office will convert your file to PDF format and return it via Canvas.
  5. Complete Modules 06 & 07 using PDF received from the ETD Office.